Course Description: This Moodle course aims to explore the concept of smart homes and their potential to enhance accessibility and independence for individuals with disabilities. Through a combination of interactive modules, practical examples, and real-world case studies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of smart home technologies and learn how to customize and optimize these systems to meet the unique needs of people with various disabilities. Whether you are a caregiver, a family member, or someone interested in inclusive design, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create supportive and empowering smart living environments.

The course will provide participants with the theoretical background of SPS method and its’ practical use in their everyday practice. You’ll be able to use the knowledge in individual treatments as well as in group exercises.



Course content:

a.       Definition of the terms

b.       Difference between muscle work in vertical or spiral chains

c.       Effects of muscles work in spiral chains and practical use of it

d.       12 basic SPS exercises and their modification for handicapped

e.       Development of spiral stabilisation at walk, run, work and at sports

f.        Use of spiral stabilisation at musculoskeletal malfunction: back pain, neck pain, scoliosis

g.       Modification of exercises for balance improvement

h.       Exercises for lower limbs and improvement of normal walk pattern

i.         Documenting the SPS method in rehabilitation, prevention and sports


In this course we will read and talk about PTSD which stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as one of many shapes of Traumatic Stress. 

The chosen topic is important because there is a lot of specific moments when we work with children and their families after trauma such are war, seige and oppresion. I would like to help you understand those moments in behaviour which require our professional response and knowledge, and are often hidden from our point of view. I hope you find it interesting and educational.


Course includes five lessons:

  1. The first discusses elemental things about PTSD (what it is in psychological criteria, shapes of PTS spector and its symptoms and at least influences and consequences in one's behaviour). 
  2. The second is about prevalence of PTSD (especially between children and people living in Palestine and elsewhere in the Middle East), what are the factors of risk and what are the protective factors for developing PTSD and also about resiliance as an answer to traumatic stress. It includes also some relevant points about culture in general, its factors which influence everyday life and how it is connected to mental health.
  3. The third discusses a professional point of view as is diagnosing and assessing PTSD and it is also about tools which are intended for proffesionals to help them with an assessment.
  4. The fourth is about  concrete approaches for working with PTSD survivors, we will look at some interventions and their usefulness and we will begin to talk about treatment (why and how). More content about treatment is in last lesson.
  5. The fifth lesson is continuing with the disscusion about different ways of treating PTSD. I will present the most recognizable formal and informal ways of treatment but there is still a lot of space to disscus about all the existing ways of treatments which are used by proffesionals and other social workers.

Lower Limb Amputation Rehabilitation

Lower Limb Amputation 101 is an online training course for physiotherapists from Gaza, its organized by Nur institute through the project» Equal Opportunities for all « provided to the ITF by the Republic of Slovenia,  Republic of Korea and the OPEC Fund for International Development

lower limb amputation rehabilitation          


CBR 101 is an online training course for physiotherapists from Gaza, its organized by Nur institute through the project» Equal Opportunities for all – Promoting Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) among Gaza therapists« provided to the ITF by the Republic of Slovenia,  Republic of Korea and the OPEC Fund for International Development